Proposed Schedule of Meetings and Briefings for 2024

18/09/2023 - Proposed Schedule of Meetings and Briefings for 2024

Memorandum by the Chief Executive Officer

To Council:

This memorandum requests that Council approve the draft Schedule of Meetings and Briefings for 2024.

The draft Schedule of Meetings and Briefings for 2024 (Attachment A) has been prepared on the basis of a three-week meeting cycle (Council Briefings, Committees and Council), consistent with the meeting arrangements adopted by Council in previous years. The draft schedule proposes 10 meeting cycles for 2024.

Section 365 of the Local Government Act 1993 states that "the council is required to meet at least 10 times each year, each time in a different month", with "year" meaning the period from 1 July to the following 30 June (the financial year).

To ensure compliance with the provisions of section 365, the draft Schedule of Meetings and Briefings for the calendar year 2024 provides for:

(a)       five meetings in the first half of 2024 (making a total of 10 meetings for the 2023/24 financial year, inclusive of the five meetings of Council which will have been held in the second half of 2023); and

(b)       five meetings of Council held in the second half of 2024 (making a total of 10 meetings for the 2024/25 financial year, on the basis that a further five meetings of Council will be scheduled for the first half of 2025).

It is noted that:

(a)       in drafting the schedule, the Local Government Election scheduled for 14 September 2024 has been taken into account (with an extraordinary meeting of Council to take place following the election); and

(b)       the 2024 Annual Conference of Local Government NSW is currently scheduled to be held Sunday 17 November to Tuesday 19 November 2024; and

(c)       if considered necessary, additional "tentative" briefings dates, intended to accommodate such matters as external presentations, workshops and other non-meeting agenda items, will be separately distributed to Councillors, following approval of the draft schedule.

It would be appropriate for Council to now determine a program of meetings and briefings for next year to enable all interested parties to plan their commitments.

The City's website will be updated with the 2024 meeting dates if endorsed by Council.


It is resolved that Council adopt the draft schedule of meetings and briefings for 2024, as shown at Attachment A to the subject memorandum.


Chief Executive Officer


Attachment A.           Draft Schedule of Meetings and Briefings for 2024

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Kok –

It is resolved that Council adopt the draft schedule of meetings and briefings for 2024, as shown as Attachment A to the subject memorandum.

Carried unanimously.
