Vale Frank Elgar

18/09/2023 - Vale Frank Elgar

By Councillor Worling

It is resolved that:

(A)       Council note:

(i)         the passing of Frank Austin Wallace Elgar, on Wednesday 23 August 2023, nine days short of his 81st birthday;

(ii)        Frank was a warm, genuine, and caring gentleman who was dedicated to making Sydney a better place. His diverse and colourful career spanned marketing and public relations, fashion design, production, and urban planning;

(iii)       in 1985, he established Creative Marketing Services (CMS Group) with the goal of collaborating with like-minded professionals to help Sydney’s residents connect and thrive;

(iv)       Frank’s professional work called upon an extensive knowledge and love for art, culture and history. He was best known for his hard work in the ’90s establishing a “collectors’ market” and taskforce with Sydney Cove Authority, “Extending the Vision for The Rocks Precinct.” The success of this project, which became The Rocks Market, lead to commissions from city councils around Australia and overseas – including City of Perth, City of Melbourne, Newcastle, and Adelaide;

(v)        Frank was a devotedly passionate collaborator and tireless organiser. He was the Chairman of the Paddington Chamber of Commerce, and the Heritage Committee of the Business Council of Sydney, which saw him meeting monthly in the Council Chamber to brief City of Sydney Councillors and staff as part of a public/private relationship with business, residential and retailers;

(vi)       in 1992, Frank founded his own company, City Strategies. He was behind key projects including the development of the Public Realm of the Bennelong Project, which involved workshopping various concepts with Sydney Opera House, Royal Botanic Gardens, Institute of Architects, and later, the Walsh Bay Precinct Arts development; and

(vii)      even in retirement, Frank continued to advise community groups in Potts Point. His innate strength was in connecting people and celebrating the best a place had to offer. He will be sorely missed;

(B)       all persons attending the meeting of Council observe one minute’s silence to honour the life of Frank Elgar; and

(C)       the Lord Mayor convey Council’s sincere condolences to Frank Elgar’s family.

Note – at the meeting of Council, the content of the original Notice of Motion was varied by Councillor Worling. Subsequently it was –

Moved by Councillor Worling, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) –

It is resolved that:

(A)       Council note:

(i)         the passing of Frank Austin Wallace Elgar, on Wednesday 23 August 2023, nine days short of his 81st birthday;

(ii)        Frank was a warm, genuine, and caring gentleman who was dedicated to making Sydney a better place. His diverse and colourful career spanned marketing and public relations, fashion design, production, and urban planning;

(iii)       in 1985, he established Creative Marketing Services (CMS Group) with the goal of collaborating with like-minded professionals to help Sydney’s residents connect and thrive;

(iv)       Frank’s professional work called upon an extensive knowledge and love for art, culture and history. He was best known for his hard work in the ’90s establishing a “collectors’ market” and taskforce with Sydney Cove Authority, “Extending the Vision for The Rocks Precinct.” The success of this project, which became The Rocks Market, lead to commissions from city councils around Australia and overseas – including City of Perth, City of Melbourne, Newcastle, and Adelaide;

(v)        Frank was a devotedly passionate collaborator and tireless organiser. He was the Chairman of the Paddington Chamber of Commerce, and a member of the Sydney District Business Association (SDBA), which saw him meeting monthly in the Council Chamber to brief City of Sydney Councillors and staff as part of a public/private relationship with business, residential and retailers;

(vi)       in 1992, Frank founded his own company, City Strategies. He was behind key projects including the development of the Public Realm of the Bennelong Project, which involved workshopping various concepts with Sydney Opera House, Royal Botanic Gardens, Institute of Architects, and later, the Walsh Bay Precinct Arts development; and

(vii)      even in retirement, Frank continued to advise community groups in Potts Point. His innate strength was in connecting people and celebrating the best a place had to offer. He will be sorely missed;

(B)       all persons attending the meeting of Council observe one minute’s silence to honour the life of Frank Elgar; and

(C)       the Lord Mayor convey Council’s sincere condolences to Frank Elgar’s family.

Carried unanimously.


Note – All Councillors, staff and members of the public present stood in silence for one minute as a mark of respect to Frank Elgar.