No Net Dwelling Loss Provisions

18/09/2023 - No Net Dwelling Loss Provisions

By Councillor Ellsmore

It is resolved that:

(A)       Council note:

(i)         Sydney is amid a housing affordability crisis, affecting both renters and aspiring homeowners;

(ii)        despite housing supply issues, there have been reports that developers are redeveloping multi-dwelling apartment buildings that have traditionally been affordable due to their age and size to make way for fewer luxury apartments;

(iii)       recently, both Woollahra and Waverley Councils resolved to update their Local Environment Plans (LEPs) to prevent new developments that result in a reduction of dwellings; and

(iv)       for example, Waverley Council recently inserted a new objective into its Local Environmental Plan (LEP) ‘to increase or preserve residential dwelling density’, and require a Social Impact Statement for where a development proposes a ‘reduction in dwelling numbers on site’; and

(B)       the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:

(i)         advise Council on any available data about the ‘net dwelling loss’ in the City of Sydney Local Government Area;

(ii)        investigate preparing a planning proposal to include objectives and controls in the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 to protect against the net reduction of dwellings on a development site; and

(iii)       report back to Council.

Note – at the meeting of Council, the content of the original Notice of Motion was varied by Councillor Ellsmore. Subsequently it was –

Moved by Councillor Ellsmore, seconded by Councillor Chan –

It is resolved that:

(A)       Council note:

(i)         Sydney is amid a housing affordability crisis, affecting both renters and aspiring homeowners;

(ii)        despite housing supply issues, there have been reports that developers are redeveloping multi-dwelling apartment buildings that have traditionally been affordable due to their age and size to make way for fewer luxury apartments;

(iii)       recently, both Woollahra and Waverley Councils resolved to update their Local Environment Plans (LEPs) to prevent new developments that result in a reduction of dwellings; and

(iv)       for example, Waverley Council recently inserted a new objective into its Local Environmental Plan (LEP) ‘to increase or preserve residential dwelling density’, and require a Social Impact Statement for where a development proposes a ‘reduction in dwelling numbers on site’; and

(B)       the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:

(i)         advise Council on any available data about the ‘net dwelling loss’ in the City of Sydney Local Government Area;

(ii)        investigate preparing a planning proposal to include objectives and controls in the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 to protect against the net reduction of dwellings on a development site;

(iii)       note that the City of Sydney Council resolved on 3 April 2023 to consider the cumulative loss of housing from ‘change of use’ of boarding houses, and also to investigate strengthening protection against the loss or reduction of dwellings within boarding houses; and

(iv)       report back to Council.

Carried unanimously.
