City North Men’s Shed

18/09/2023 - City North Men’s Shed

Moved Councillor Gannon, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) –

It is resolved that Council:

(A)       note that Councillor Gannon visited the City North Men’s Shed at Millers Point on Wednesday 9 August 2023;

(B)       acknowledge the Men’s Shed is a not-for-profit whose membership is open to the men and women who reside or work in the northern end of the Sydney Central Business District;

(C)       commend the Men’s Shed for its dedication to enhancing the mental and physical well-being of its members by creating a space that facilitates social interaction, and active engagement in activities such as woodworking;

(D)       thank the City of Sydney for supporting this organisation by providing a space for them to meet, on a for hire-basis;

(E)       encourage the City of Sydney to continue its work in investigating options to enable the Men’s Shed to use facilities at Abraham Mott Community Space on a leasing arrangement, which would expand the organisation’s ability to meet the changing needs of its members; and

(F)       invite City of Sydney Councillors to visit this organisation to gain further insights into the how the City North Men’s Shed is making a valuable contribution to our community.

Carried unanimously.
