Grants and Sponsorship – Cultural Grants

20/11/2023 - Grants and Sponsorship – Cultural Grants

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council approve the cash and value-in-kind recommendations for the Festivals and Events Sponsorship program as shown at Attachment A to the subject report;

(B)      Council note the applicants who were not recommended in obtaining a cash grant or value-in-kind for the Festivals and Events Sponsorship program as shown at Attachment B to the subject report;

(C)      Council approve the amendment to the Creative Grant to Elizabeth Margaret Muldoon for $25,000 in cash funding, which was approved by Council on 19 June 2023 to include Auspicious Arts Projects Inc as the auspicing organisation;

(D)      Council note that all grant amounts are exclusive of GST;

(E)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate, execute and administer agreements with any organisation approved for a grant or sponsorship under terms consistent with this resolution and the Grants and Sponsorship Policy;

(F)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to correct minor errors to the matters set out in this report, noting that the identity of the recipient will not change, and a CEO Update will be provided to Council advising of any changes made in accordance with this resolution; and

(G)      the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:

(i)         conduct a Councillor workshop that: 

(a)       provides an overview of the grant’s application and assessment process; and

(b)       outlines the current grant programs, funding priorities, relationship to City of Sydney Strategic Plans and Priorities; and

(ii)        review the grants and sponsorship policy as part of the mid-term policy review process, taking into account feedback from Councillors and any potential systemic barriers and bias in the application and assessment process.

Carried unanimously.
