Development Application: 164-172 and 174-194 William Street, Woolloomooloo - D/2022/139

12/12/2023 - Development Application: 164-172 and 174-194 William Street, Woolloomooloo - D/2022/139

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Worling –

It is resolved that:

(A)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to determine Development Application Number D/2022/139, following the drafting and conclusion of the public exhibition of the draft Voluntary Planning Agreement and considering any public submissions received in response;

(B)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to determine whether the Design Excellence Strategy for 164-172 and 174-94 William Street Woolloomooloo, prepared by Urbis on behalf of William Street Nominee and dated 21 November 2023, as shown at Attachment F to the subject report, ought to be approved pursuant to Section 3.3.1 of the Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 and Section 1.2 of the Competitive Design Policy; and

(C)      if the Chief Executive Officer determines to approve the application, consideration be given, pursuant to Section 4.16(3) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, to granting deferred commencement consent to Development Application Number D/2022/139 subject to the conditions set out in Attachment A to the subject report.

Reasons for Decision

The application was approved for the following reasons:

(A)      The proposal satisfies the objectives of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, in that, subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions as recommended, it achieves the objectives of the planning controls for the site for the reasons outlined in the report to the Central Sydney Planning Committee.

(B)      The proposal generally satisfies the objectives and provisions of the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and Sydney Development Control Plan 2012.

(C)      The proposal is consistent with the objectives of the MU1 Mixed Use zone.

(D)      The building envelope complies with the maximum height of buildings development standard in Clause 4.3 of the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and provides capacity for an additional 10 per cent of additional floor space available under Clause 6.21D(3)(b) of the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 for any subsequent detailed building design resulting from a design competition process and demonstrating design excellence.

(E)      The indicative reference design accompanying the application demonstrates that the envelope can accommodate a building which complies with the maximum floor space ratio development standard in Clause 4.4 of the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012.

(F)      Subject to compliance with the design excellence strategy, the undertaking of a competitive design process and the recommended conditions of consent, the proposed development will provide a building envelope capable of accommodating a future building which can exhibit design excellence in accordance with Clause 6.21C of the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012.

Carried unanimously.
