Post Exhibition - Haymarket and Chinatown Revitalisation Strategy

11/12/2023 - Post Exhibition - Haymarket and Chinatown Revitalisation Strategy

It is resolved that:

(A)       Council note the findings from the public exhibition of the draft Haymarket and Chinatown Revitalisation Strategy as described in Attachment B to the subject report, and the City's response to the submissions in Attachment C to the subject report;

(B)       Council adopt the revised Haymarket and Chinatown Revitalisation Strategy as shown at Attachment A to the subject Information Relevant To Item 9.3 Memorandum; 

(C)       Council note the budget implications as described in this report subject to the deletion of line 28(d) which refers to funding for SXSW Sydney and that items will be incorporated into future budgets for public exhibition and endorsement by Council;

(D)       Council note that if the revised Strategy is endorsed, further reports will be brought back to Council for any new grant programs and for any items to be heritage listed; and

(E)       authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to make minor amendments to the revised Haymarket and Chinatown Revitalisation Strategy in order to correct any minor drafting errors and finalise design, artwork and accessible formats for publication.

Carried unanimously.
