Motion to Local Government NSW Annual Conference – Creating a Network of LGBTIQA+ Councillors and Their Allies

23/10/2023 - Motion to Local Government NSW Annual Conference – Creating a Network of LGBTIQA+ Councillors and Their Allies

Moved by Councillor Worling, seconded by Councillor Davis –

It is resolved that Council:

(A)       note:

(i)         a complex set of factors affecting the experiences of the LGBTIQA+ community, including an increased risk of depression and anxiety, discrimination, increased unemployment, and mental health barriers;

(ii)        according to Beyond Blue Australia, work is a key setting to improve and support mental health and wellbeing. It can contribute to a person’s sense of purpose, income and social connection (which extends to life outside the workplace);

(iii)       furthermore, connectedness with peers and affiliation with a broader LGBTIQA+ community has been identified as beneficial to those trying to cope with minority stressors;

(iv)       persons in public life who openly identify as being LGBTIQA+ provide inspiration and support for LGBTIQA+ people;

(v)        there is a long history of people identifying as LGBTIQA+ being elected to their local councils, including the City of Sydney, and to State and Federal Parliaments;

(vi)       despite this, there is currently no public platform, network or coalition in Australia for elected members who openly identify at LGBTIQA+ at a local, state or federal level. This presents an obstacle for younger queer people to see themselves in elected positions; and 

(vii)      visibility is power. With greater visibility, more young LGBTIQA+ people may be encouraged to seek election to their local council and/or State and Federal Parliaments; and

(B)       endorse the following motion, which has been submitted for consideration at the upcoming 2023 Local Government NSW Annual Conference:

Topic: Creating a Network of LGBTIQA+ Councillors and Their Allies

That as a first step towards increasing visibility and extending its benefits, Local Government NSW establish a network of LGBTIQA+ identifying and allied Councillors.

Carried unananimously.
