Revival of Noel Sydney by the City of Sydney

23/10/2023 - Revival of Noel Sydney by the City of Sydney

Moved by Councillor Jarrett, seconded by Councillor Gannon –

It is resolved that:

(A)       Council note:

(i)         as a consequence of the 2023 NSW budget cuts, the Noel Sydney Christmas Festival hosted by Destination NSW has been scrapped by the NSW Labor Government for 2023;

(ii)        the Noel Sydney Christmas Festival was an annual free Christmas festival through Macquarie Street and the Royal Botanical Gardens that attracted more than 100,000 visitors to Sydney in 2023;

(iii)       that Noel Sydney was nominated as a finalist for the Eventex Awards for Events and Experience Marketing; and

(iv)       that the City of Sydney did not partake in sponsoring the event in 2022; and

(B)       the Chief Executive Officer be requested to investigate whether discretionary funding and resources are available to fund the Noel Sydney Christmas Festival for 2023 and report back to Council as to the costings and logistics of running a Noel Sydney event through the City of Sydney.

Carried unanimously.
