Promoting Local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voices

23/10/2023 - Promoting Local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voices

Moved by Councillor Weldon, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) –

It is resolved that:

(A)       Council note:

(i)         although a majority of Australians voted against constitutional recognition through a Voice to Parliament, the City of Sydney community voted, overwhelmingly, in support of the proposal;

(ii)        the opportunity to promote reconciliation and tackle disadvantage and systemic racism at the local level through initiatives that advance the core principles of the Uluru Statement from the Heart;

(iii)       the City’s ongoing work and commitments embodied in our Reconciliation Action Plan, Closing the Gap framework and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workforce Strategy;

(iv)       since 2008, the City has received advice from our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Panel on matters of importance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. The Panel’s membership consists of local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members who hold strong community ties and a wealth of knowledge, skills and insights;

(v)        the Panel has contributed to the Eora Journey (including the City’s public art projects and the Eora Journey Economic Development Plan), the ongoing growth of NAIDOC and on important issues such as housing and the Waterloo estate redevelopment;

(vi)       the support provided to the Panel from the Chief Executive Officer, Director Strategic Development and Engagement, and the City’s Indigenous Leadership Team; and

(vii)      under the current Terms of References, the Panel has the capacity to establish time-limited working parties to address specific issues and projects; and

(B)       the Chief Executive Officer be requested to, in consultation with Panel members, make recommendations to strengthen the capacity of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Panel to establish their own priorities and make proactive submissions to the City to advance their purpose (as set out in the Terms of Reference).

Carried unanimously.
