Post Exhibition - Haymarket and Chinatown Public Domain Plan

11/12/2023 - Post Exhibition - Haymarket and Chinatown Public Domain Plan

It is resolved that:

(A)       Council adopt the Haymarket and Chinatown Public Domain Plan with amendments, as shown at Attachment A to the subject report, as a guiding document to inform capital works planning, negotiations with government and developers, planning proposals and development applications;

(B)       Council note the public domain projects outlined in the current long term financial plan, including Dixon Street, Sussex Street, Belmore Park, Harbour Street, Quay Street, Goulburn Street and Creative Lighting, and that in the review of the long-term financial plan, consider the inclusion of Campbell Street and Ultimo Road;

(C)       Council rescind the Chinatown Public Domain Plan 2010 and 2015 and Chinatown Public Art Plan 2010 and 2015, which are replaced by the Haymarket and Chinatown Public Domain Plan;

(D)       Council note that the next review of the ten year long term financial plan will need to consider the revised priorities from the community feedback and the affordability of delivering all identified projects in the Haymarket and Chinatown Public Domain Plan within that period; and

(E)       authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to make amendments to the Haymarket and Chinatown Public Domain Plan in order to correct any minor drafting errors and finalise design, artwork and accessible formats for publication.

Carried unanimously.
