Standing with our Communities and the Cause for Peace

23/10/2023 - Standing with our Communities and the Cause for Peace

Minute by the Lord Mayor

To Council:

Like much of Sydney, the City has watched in horror at the recent events unfolding in Israel and the Gaza strip.

We condemn war, terrorism and violence in any form.

We stand with the innocent victims of this long-running conflict, in both Israeli and Palestinian communities, who are suffering and have suffered over so many years.

On 23 October 2023, the New York Times reported that 1,400 people were killed in Southern Israel on 7 October 2023 and over 4,000 Palestinians have died since then.

I hope that leaders can find a path to peace where the cycle of violence in this region is ended and neither Israelis or Palestinians have to live in fear and at risk of harm or death.

Sydney is a multicultural and harmonious community, home to both Muslim and Jewish people – both of whom are hurting.

We stand with both these communities during this difficult time.

Now more than ever it is vital we reflect our values of diversity, solidarity and inclusivity. There is no place for violence, discrimination or expressions of hate in our city.

Antisemitism and Islamophobia have no place in our city.

In recent days, Australia’s Director-General of Security, Mike Burgess said “There is a direct correlation between language that inflames tension and out of that tension does grow a small number of people who think violence is the answer”. I share Mr Burgess' concern, we have already seen a measurable rise in Antisemitic and Islamophobic incidents in our communities. Synagogues and Mosques in Sydney are on heightened alert.

Consistent with the objective of maintaining social harmony, the City should not display any partisan symbols associated with the current conflict.

Peace is at the heart of Islam, Judaism and Christianity. As we watch this tragedy unfold from afar, peace must be the bedrock of our actions and statements.

We must stand for peace.

Councillor Clover Moore AO

Lord Mayor

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) –

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council endorse the subject Minute; and

(B)      The Lord Mayor be requested to write to leaders in Sydney’s Israeli and Palestinian communities with a copy of this Lord Mayoral Minute.

The substantive Minute was carried unanimously.
