Memorandum of Understanding - ANZAC Day 2024-2025

11/12/2023 - Memorandum of Understanding - ANZAC Day 2024-2025

It is resolved that:

(A)       Council agrees to withdraw from the current Memorandum of Understanding between the City, the State of New South Wales, The Returned and Services League of Australia (NSW Branch) and the Dawn Services Trust Inc;

(B)       Council approve the changes to the Memorandum of Understanding at the request of The Returned and Services League of Australia (NSW Branch) with support of NSW Government, noting the following alterations:

(i)         acknowledgement of The Returned and Services League of Australia  (NSW Branch) as the event owner and host of the Dawn Service, and update to the roles and responsibilities of The Returned and Services League of Australia (NSW Branch);

(ii)        update the Memorandum of Understanding to reflect Mr Giles Hurst as the new Chief Executive Officer of The Returned and Services League of Australia (NSW Branch), and signatory;

(iii)       update to the primary coordinating agencies and removal of the Dawn Services Trust Inc. (the Trust) as a signatory from the Memorandum of Understanding;

(iv)       update references to the Department of Premier and Cabinet to NSW Premier’s Department; and

(v)        transfer of the annual funding of $10,000 (excluding GST) to assist in the implementation and delivery of the event from the Trust to the Returned and Services League of Australia (NSW Branch);

(C)       authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to enter into and finalise an amended Memorandum of Understanding with The Returned and Services League of Australia (NSW Branch), and the Premier’s Department on behalf of State of New South Wales as outlined in this report and Confidential Attachment B to the subject report;

(D)       Council approve for the 2024 and 2025 ANZAC Day events:

(i)         annual funding of one third of actual costs up to a maximum of $70,000 (excluding GST) to the State of New South Wales for Hostile Vehicle Mitigation measures;

(ii)        annual funding of $10,000 (excluding GST) to The Returned and Services League of Australia (NSW Branch) contributing to the event; and

(iii)       annual value-in-kind support for 150 veteran’s themed banners for up to two weeks per year (pending availability); and

(E)       Council note that the final Memorandum of Understanding will be provided to Council via the CEO Update.

Carried unanimously.
