Public Housing Tenant Voice in Redevelopment of Public Housing

20/11/2023 - Public Housing Tenant Voice in Redevelopment of Public Housing

Moved by Councillor Ellsmore, seconded by Councillor Chan –

It is resolved that:

(A)       Council note:

(i)         the NSW Government has plans underway to redevelop a large number of public housing estates in the City of Sydney Local Government Area, including 82 Wentworth Park Rd Glebe, the Waterloo Estate (South) and Explorer Street South Eveleigh;

(ii)        public housing tenants in NSW have few if any rights in relation to plans to redevelop the homes they live in. Public housing tenants do not have rights enshrined in legislation or policy that enable them, for example, to determine how their homes or their estate should be upgraded or redeveloped, control over when or where they will be relocated during development, or that provide a right to return once a development has been completed; and

(iii)       there are few documents which guide good practice about how and when public housing tenants can or should be involved or have a say over the development of their homes. One example is the ‘Compact for Renewal’ developed with public housing tenants, Shelter NSW, Tenants’ Union of NSW and the City futures Research Centre UNSW, which includes principles such that tenants should be respected;

(B)       Council further note that:

(i)         in London, the London Assembly and the Mayor of London have established strong requirements to ensure public housing tenants have a real say and control over how public housing estates are upgraded or redeveloped;

(ii)        in London, council planning documents such as ‘Better Homes for Local People: the Mayor’s Good Practice Guide to Estate Regeneration (2018)’ require a ballot or referendum of public tenants to be undertaken to approve plans to redevelop their estates. Refurbishment rather than demolition is prioritised, and tenants have a right of return to their original homes once they have been upgraded. Proposals must prioritise increasing affordable (public) housing floor space, and improve sustainability; and

(iii)       Council Boroughs in London own public housing giving them considerable control. However, in NSW, councils, including the City of Sydney, do not control public housing or have any legislated powers in relation to tenant rights;

(C)       the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:

(i)         provide advice to Council about opportunities to create obligations through Council documents, including planning documents, which promote and/or protect public housing tenant’s voices and rights in relation to renovation or development of public housing estates they live in; and

(ii)        otherwise provide advice to Council as to what documents or guidelines Council could amend or create to support public housing tenants’ voices and rights in relation to redevelopment of public housing; and

(D)       the Lord Mayor be requested to write to the Minister for Housing and the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces calling on the NSW Government to:

(i)         consider international models for managing Social Housing redevelopment projects;

(ii)        mandate a genuine right of return for all residents in Social Housing redevelopment projects; and

(iii)       implement requirements to promote the rights of and engagement with Social Housing residents in the redevelopment of their homes.

Carried unanimously.
