Public Exhibition - Planning Framework for Ultimo Pyrmont: Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 Amendments, Draft Ultimo Pyrmont Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2023 and Central Sydney Development Cont

12/12/2023 - Public Exhibition - Planning Framework for Ultimo Pyrmont: Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 Amendments, Draft Ultimo Pyrmont Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2023 and Central Sydney Development Cont

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Worling –

It is resolved that:

(A)      the Central Sydney Planning Committee approve Planning Proposal – Ultimo Pyrmont, shown at Attachment A to the subject report, for submission to the Department of Planning and Environment with a request for a Gateway Determination, subject to the NSW Government recommitment to the timely delivery and opening of a new metro station in Pyrmont as part of the Sydney Metro West project;

(B)      the Central Sydney Planning Committee approve Planning Proposal – Ultimo Pyrmont, shown at Attachment A to the subject report for public authority consultation and public exhibition in accordance with any conditions imposed under the Gateway Determination;

(C)      the Central Sydney Planning Committee note the recommendation to Council’s Transport, Heritage and Planning Committee on 4 December 2023, that Council seek authority from the Department of Planning and Environment to exercise the delegation of all functions under the relevant local plan making authority under Section 3.36 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to make the local environmental plan and put into effect the Planning Proposal – Ultimo Pyrmont;

(D)      the Central Sydney Planning Committee note the recommendation to Council’s Transport, Heritage and Planning Committee on 4 December 2023, that Council approve draft Sydney Development Control Plan – Ultimo Pyrmont, shown at Attachment B to the subject report, for public authority consultation and public exhibition together with the planning proposal;

(E)      the Central Sydney Planning Committee note the recommendation to Council’s Transport, Heritage and Planning Committee on 4 December 2023, that Council approve the draft Ultimo Pyrmont Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2023, shown at Attachment C to the subject report for public authority consultation and public exhibition together with the Planning Proposal;

(F)      the Central Sydney Planning Committee note the recommendation to Council’s Transport, Heritage and Planning Committee on 4 December 2023, that Council approve the draft amendments to the Central Sydney Development Contributions Plan 2020 show in Attachment D to the subject report for public authority consultation and public exhibition for a period of at least 28 days;

(G)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to make any minor variations to Planning Proposal – Ultimo Pyrmont, draft Development Control Plan – Ultimo Pyrmont and to update the urban design study to ensure maximum clarity for the purposes of public consultation, correct any drafting errors or to ensure consistency with the Gateway Determination;

(H)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to make minor amendments to the draft Ultimo Pyrmont Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2023 and the proposed amendments to the Central Sydney Development Contributions Plan 2020 before their exhibition, including to correct any drafting errors; and

(I)        the Central Sydney Planning Committee note that commencement of Planning Proposal – Ultimo Pyrmont, shown at Attachment A to the subject report and draft Sydney Development Control Plan – Ultimo Pyrmont, shown at Attachment B to the subject report, will be deferred until the NSW Government commits to the timely delivery and opening of a new metro station in Pyrmont as part of the Sydney Metro West project. 

Carried unanimously.
