Numbers of Vacant Public Housing Homes in the City of Sydney

11/12/2023 - Numbers of Vacant Public Housing Homes in the City of Sydney

Moved by Councillor Ellsmore, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) -

It is resolved that Council note that:

(A)       Council resolved on 18 September 2023 for the Lord Mayor to write to the NSW Minister for Housing and Homelessness:

(i)         expressing concern about reports that public housing is being kept untenanted for extended periods;

(ii)        requesting information in relation to the number of vacant public housing dwellings in the City of Sydney Local Government Area; and

(iii)       seeking urgent advice as to what action is being taken by the NSW Government to ensure public housing is not being left vacant, including when a potential renovation or redevelopment will take place at some future period; and

(B)       according to Answers to Supplementary Questions from NSW Parliament Budget Estimates 2023 Hearings – Housing:

(i)         as of 1 November 2023, there were 267 public housing properties vacant (i.e. un-tenanted) in the City of Sydney Local Government Area;

(ii)        of these, 114 properties were one-bedroom properties, 120 were two-bedroom, 27 were three-bedroom, and 6 had four or more bedrooms;

(iii)       in total, the vacant properties included a total of 459 bedrooms; and

(iv)       sixteen (16) of the 17 properties at 82 Wentworth Rd, Glebe were vacant.

Carried unanimously.
