Tightening Australia Post Only Parking Restrictions

11/12/2023 - Tightening Australia Post Only Parking Restrictions

Moved by Councillor Gannon, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) –

It is resolved that:

(A)       Council note:

(i)         Australia Post has recently announced they will be moving to a bi-weekly letter delivery services;

(ii)        with that will come a reduction in the number of mail collections from post boxes;

(iii)       currently the Australia Post parking spaces are 24/7, and many are on residential streets;

(iv)       the current arrangement is no longer fit for purpose with letter circulation in major decline; and

(v)        the regulation of these spaces needs to be reconsidered; and

(B)       the Chief Executive Officer be requested to email the Chief Executive Officer of Australia Post, Paul Graham, asking for an analysis of the current arrangements, and whether they are fit for purpose, and seek confirmation if Australia Post mailboxes are collected on Sundays.

Carried unanimously.
