Proposed Land Classification - Proposed Lots 5 and 7, 2-38 Baptist Street and 397-399 Cleveland Street, Redfern

19/02/2024 - Proposed Land Classification - Proposed Lots 5 and 7, 2-38 Baptist Street and 397-399 Cleveland Street, Redfern

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council endorse public notification of the proposed resolution: "It is resolved to classify Proposed Lot 5 (Park) and Proposed Lot 7 (Pedestrian and Cycle Way) in the Plan of Subdivision of Lots 100 and 101 in DP 1285547 at 2-38 Baptist Street and 397-399 Cleveland Street, Redfern which is to be transferred to Council for public purposes, as operational land in accordance with section 31 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW)"; on the basis that in the case Proposed Lot 5 (Park):

(i)         the primary future use is for a park; and

(ii)        the classification is an interim measure to support operational management until it can be included within the Generic Plan of Management and classified as community and categorised as park; and

(B)      Council note that a further report to Council, to inform the outcomes of public notification and recommendation of land classification, will follow the notification period.

Carried unanimously.
