Traffic Treatment - Raised Pedestrian Crossing - Barlow Street, Haymarket

08/02/2024 - Traffic Treatment - Raised Pedestrian Crossing - Barlow Street, Haymarket



It is recommended that the Committee endorse the following traffic treatment and parking changes in Haymarket:

(A)      Installation of a raised pedestrian crossing in Barlow Street, just west of Pitt Street;

(B)      Installation of footpath widenings and reallocation of parking as "No Stopping" on the northern side of Barlow Street between the points 0 metre and 19.3 metre west of Pitt Street;

(C)      Reallocation of parking on the northern side of Barlow Street, between the points 19.3 metre and 25.3 metre as "No Parking Emergency Vehicles Excepted"; and

(D)      Installation of footpath widenings and reallocation of parking as "No Stopping" on the southern side of Barlow Street between the points 0 metre and 18 metre west of Pitt Street.

Voting Members for this Item


Voting Members



City of Sydney



Transport for NSW



NSW Police – Sydney City PAC



Representative for the Member for Sydney





The Committee unanimously supported the recommendation.


As part of City's commitment to improve pedestrian safety and accessibility, a raised pedestrian crossing is proposed in Barlow Street, west of Pitt Street in Haymarket.

The initial proposed location of the raised crossing was initially set back 8.5 metres west of Pitt Street due to an existing tree along the pedestrian desire line. The Committee provided feedback on the initial proposal at the July 2023 meeting and deferred the item for the City to undertake further investigations