Parking – Various Parking Changes – Oxford Street, Darlinghurst

14/03/2024 - Parking – Various Parking Changes – Oxford Street, Darlinghurst



It is recommended that the Committee endorse the following reallocation of parking on the northern side of Oxford Street, Darlinghurst, east of Liverpool Street:

(A)      Between the points 52.2 metres and 68.8 metres as "Loading Zone 7.30am-3pm Mon-Fri 8.30am-12.30pm Sat", "Taxi Zone All Other Times" and "Bus Lane 3pm-7pm Mon-Fri";

(B)      Between the points 292.5 metres and 315.5 metres as "No Stopping 7am-9am Mon-Fri ", "1P Ticket Parking 7am-9am Mon-Fri 8:30am-6pm Sat Sun & Public Holiday" and "Bus Lane 3pm-7pm Mon-Fri"; and

(C)      Between the points 315.5 metres and 339 metres as "No Stopping 7am-9am Mon-Fri ", "Loading Zone 7.30am-3pm Mon-Fri 8.30am-12.30pm Sat" and "Bus Lane 3pm-7pm Mon-Fri".

It is recommended that Committee notes the following reallocation of parking along the Oxford Street road sections controlled by Transport for NSW:

(D)      On the northern side of Oxford Street, between the points 23.8 metre and 33.2 metre, east of Crown Street as "Loading Zone 7am-3pm Mon-Fri 7am-10am Sat", "Bus Lane 3pm-7pm Mon-Fri" and "Bus Zone Other Times";

(E)      On the northern side of Oxford Street, between the points 15.7 metre and 47.5 metre, east of Palmer Street as "No Stopping" and "Clearway 3pm-7pm Mon-Fri "; and

(F)       on the southern side of Oxford Street, between the points 165 metre and 177.5 metre, east of Flinders Street as "Loading Zone 10am-4.30pm Mon-Fri 7am-10am Sat", "Bus Lane 6am-10am Mon-Fri" and "No Parking Other Times 4:30pm-6:30pm Mon-Fri ".

Voting Members for this Item

Voting Members



City of Sydney



Transport for NSW



NSW Police – Surry Hills PAC



Representative for the Member for Sydney





The Committee unanimously supported the recommendation and noted the amendments to the Recommendations as follows:-


It is recommended that the Committee endorse the following reallocation of parking on the northern side of Oxford Street, Darlinghurst, east of College Street:

A.    Between the points 52.2 metres and 68.8 metres as "Loading Zone 7.30am-3pm Mon-Fri 8.30am-12.30pm Sat", "Taxi Zone All Other Times" and "Bus Lane 3pm-7pm Mon-Fri";

B.    Between the points 292.5 metres and 315.5 metres as "No Stopping 7am-9am Mon-Fri ", "1P Ticket Parking 9am-3pm Mon-Fri 8:30am-6pm Sat-Sun & Public Holiday" and "Bus Lane 3pm-7pm Mon-Fri"; and

C.   Between the points 315.5 metres and 339 metres as "No Stopping 7am-9am Mon-Fri ", "Loading Zone 9am-3pm Mon-Fri 8.30am-12.30pm Sat" and "Bus Lane 3pm-7pm Mon-Fri".

It is recommended that Committee notes the following reallocation of parking along the Oxford Street road sections controlled by Transport for NSW:

D.   On the northern side of Oxford Street, between the points 23.8 metre and 33.2 metre, east of Crown Street as "Loading Zone 7am-3pm Mon-Fri 7am-10am Sat", "Bus Lane 3pm-7pm Mon-Fri" and "Bus Zone All Other Times";

E.    On the northern side of Oxford Street, between the points 15.7 metre and 47.5 metre, east of Palmer Street as "No Stopping" and "Clearway 3pm-7pm Mon-Fri "; and

F.    On the southern side of Oxford Street, between the points 165 metre and 177.5 metre, west of Flinders Street as "Loading Zone 10am-4.30pm Mon-Fri 7am-10am Sat", "Bus Lane 6am-10am Mon-Fri" and "No Parking 4:30pm-6:30pm Mon-Fri ".



The approval of the traffic and parking for the separated Cycleway, permanent road closures, turn bans and parking changes for the Oxford Street and Liverpool Street, was approved at the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee in April 2023.

The City and Transport for NSW are proposing modification with the parking arrangement along the northern side of Oxford Street to improve congestion to traffic and public transport as part of the new cycleway on Liverpool and Oxfords Streets.