Moore Park Road Temporary Cycleway Safety Issues and Timetable for Removal

19/02/2024 - Moore Park Road Temporary Cycleway Safety Issues and Timetable for Removal


Original motion moved by Councillor Weldon, seconded by Councillor Jarrett.

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council note:

(i)           in May 2021, Council assured Moore Park Road residents that the Moore Park pop-up cycleway would only remain in place until mid-2023;

(ii)          on 4 May 2023, the Lord Mayor met with the NSW Minister for Transport, Jo Haylen about progressing transport priorities in our area and sought assurances from the Minister that Transport for NSW (TfNSW) would continue to work with the City of Sydney and jointly fund the rollout of the City’s cycleway and improved pedestrianisation program, including delivering the Oxford Street East cycleway. The Minister agreed to continue a collaborative relationship with the City in that regard;

(iii)        before the meeting of the Transport, Heritage, Environment and Planning Committee on 8 May 2023, the Lord Mayor spoke again to the Minister for Transport who said that she was committed to the Oxford Street cycleway and would do all that she could to accelerate it;

(iv)        at the 15 May 2023 Council meeting, Council (by majority resolution) extended the operation of Moore Park Road and Fitzroy Street pop-up cycleway as a temporary cycleway until May 2026 or until a permanent cycleway on Oxford Street between Taylor Square and Centennial Park was built (whichever happened first);

(v)         at that meeting, the Lord Mayor assured Council that the NSW Minister for Transport was committed to the cycleway on Oxford Street and would do all that she could to accelerate it;

(vi)        the Moore Park Road Cycleway is often closed or suspended by TfNSW during sporting and concert events at local venues. These closures have become more frequent since Venues NSW received an extension of the number of live performances from 4 to 24 per annum, increasing risk of injury for cyclists and impact on resident parking;

(vii)      on 20 December 2023, TfNSW released the Oxford Street East Consultation Report, which confirms that TfNSW remains committed to the cycleway; and

(viii)     TfNSW staff advise that the Oxford Street East cycleway project is unfunded at this stage and therefore construction timeframes are unknown;

(B)        Council reaffirms its commitment to remove the Moore Park Road and Fitzroy Street cycleways by 31 May 2026 or when the permanent Oxford Street Cycleway between Taylor Square and Centennial Park (constructed by the NSW Government) is operational, whichever comes first; and

(C)        the Lord Mayor be requested to write again to the Minister for Transport requesting a commitment to fund and accelerate the detailed design and construction of the Oxford Street East cycleway so that it is operational no later than the 31 May 2026.

The substantive motion was carried on the following show of hands –

Ayes (9)          The Chair (the Lord Mayor), Councillors Chan, Davis, Ellsmore, Gannon, Jarrett, Kok, Scott and Worling.

Noes (1)          Councillor Weldon.

Amended motion carried.
