Vale Aunty Lillian Crombie

19/02/2024 - Vale Aunty Lillian Crombie

Moved by Councillor Weldon, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) –

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note:

(i)         the recent passing of Lillian Crombie, known by many as Aunty Lillian;

(ii)        Aunty Lillian, a Pitjantjatjara/Yankunytjatjara woman, was a trailblazer for First Nations artists;

(iii)      a survivor of the stolen generations, Aunty Lillian was removed from her parents at the age of seven. She grew up in a loving home with foster parents in Port Pirie, South Australia;

(iv)      Aunty Lillian’s early training at the Port Pirie ballet school led to further studies in dance and drama at the National Black Theatre in Redfern. She then joined the newly formed Aboriginal Islander Dance Theatre;

(v)       in the 1980s, Aunty Lillian joined the Sydney Mardi Gras to support the gay community during the HIV/AIDS pandemic, performing in mixed drag acts and at fundraising events;

(vi)      following further training at the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) and the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre in New York, Aunty Lillian commenced a distinguished career in theatre, television in Australia and abroad;

(vii)     in 2019, Aunty Lillian was recognised with a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Equity Foundation for her contribution to the arts;

(viii)    in 2020, Aunty Lillian established the Lillian Crombie School of Dance and Drama, holding a series of dance workshops for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in regional South Australia;

(ix)      in 2015, Auntly Lillian established the Lillian Crombie Foundation to support Indigenous families' travel needs for Sorry Business;

(x)       Aunty Lillian was a proud supporter of the Sydney Swans. She founded their First Nations supporters club, the Black Swans; and

(xi)      Aunty Lillian’s warmth, humour and wit will be missed. She was a pioneer whose legacy will continue to pave the way for many other First Nations artists to achieve their dreams;

(B)      all persons attending this meeting of Council observe one minute’s silence to commemorate the life of Aunty Lillian; and

(C)      the Lord Mayor be requested to write to Aunty Lillian’s family expressing Council’s condolences.

Carried unanimously.

Note – All Councillors, staff and members of the public present stood in silence for one minute as a mark of respect to Aunty Lillian Crombie.

