Moved by Councillor Weldon, seconded by
Councillor Ellsmore -
It is resolved that:
Sydney University Settlement Neighbourhood Centre, known locally as the Settlement,
has been a part of the fabric of the Redfern/Waterloo community for more than
130 years;
Settlement serves as a safe and welcoming place for local community to
‘drop-in’ to connect and access a range of services and programs;
Settlement has a multi-generation connection with the local Aboriginal
community. Ninety per cent of the community that access the Settlement are
Aboriginal. A majority of the Settlement’s team are Aboriginal and many have
grown up in the local area;
Settlement’s programs for children and families are particularly significant.
The Settlement provides after school and holiday care with a school pick up and
home drop off service. The program incorporates learning and play with
activities including cooking, swimming, tennis, basketball, homework help, art,
music and dancing;
local parents working full-time rely on the Settlement to provide a safe and
nurturing environment for their children; and
Settlement’s valued after school care and holiday programs are no longer fully
funded, and the continuation of these programs is uncertain;
Lord Mayor be requested to write to relevant NSW Government Ministers,
highlighting the significance of the Settlement’s programs for the local
community and requesting funding to ensure the continuation of their after
school and holiday programs; and
Chief Executive Officer be requested to investigate opportunities for the City
of Sydney to provide interim support to ensure the continuation of the
Settlement’s after school and holiday programs.
Carried unanimously.