Monica Barone - Public Service Medal Award

19/02/2024 - Monica Barone - Public Service Medal Award

Minute by the Lord Mayor

To Council:

On 26 January 2024, our Chief Executive Officer, Monica Barone was awarded a Public Service Medal (PSM) for outstanding public service to the local government sector and Resilient Sydney.

Monica is an exceptional leader and a passionate advocate for the people of Sydney. She works tirelessly to make sure our city is a socially just place, with an economically and culturally diverse community.

Over the past two decades, Monica has contributed enormously to public policy and the community, contributing to making the City a leader in sustainability and resilience.

She has improved community resilience both locally and overseas through her work with the 100 Resilient Cities and Resilient Sydney, and as a board member of the International Resilient Cities network. Now 18 of the 33 Councils in Greater Sydney have adopted or are developing their own local resilience plan, 16 have urban forest plans to mitigate heat, 23 have net zero targets, and 30 purchase Renewable Electricity to run their Council operations.

Further, her efforts during the Covid-19 pandemic exemplify her extraordinary stewardship of our organisation and great tenacity in her successful coordination of our response. Her work ensured everyone in our community, including our most vulnerable members, had access to vital services and resources, all while safeguarding the financial sustainability of the City.

Monica has made a very significant contribution to our community, and I am grateful for her enduring dedication to the City.

I invite Councillors to join with me in congratulating our Chief Executive Officer, Monica Barone, on this much-deserved recognition.


Lord Mayor

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Kok –

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note:

(i)         On 25 January 2024, Chief Executive Officer Monica Barone was awarded a Public Service Medal;

(ii)        Ms Barone’s award honoured her exceptional service to the City of Sydney Council in the local government sector;

(iii)      Ms Barone has been Chief Executive Officer of the City of Sydney Council since 2006, managing close to 2000 staff;

(iv)      particular reference was given to the monumental work Ms Barone has undertaken as the Chair of the Resilient Sydney Steering Committee, seeing the collaboration of all 33 Councils within Greater Sydney;

(v)       Ms Barone is a mentor and leader of Sydney’s Chief Resilience Officer and here they work together to be true agents of change of leadership and women within the local government sector;

(vi)      communities within the City of Sydney are better prepared for future shocks and stressors due to the work of Ms Barone, the true spirit of a public service commendation; and

(vii)     the Public Service Medal is awarded by the Governor-General twice a year, with only 100 awardees per year; and

(B)      Council congratulate City of Sydney Chief Executive Officer, Monica Barone, on being awarded the Public Service Medal for outstanding public service to the local government sector and for championing the Resilient Sydney network.

The Minute, as varied by consent, was carried unanimously.


Note – following discussion and voting on this item, the Chair (the Lord Mayor), all Councillors, staff and members of the public present acknowledged the Chief Executive Officer’s achievements with a standing ovation.