Tender - Reject and Negotiate - T-2023-1144 - Lift / Escalator Upgrade at Kings Cross Library, Andrew Boy Charlton Pool and Railway Square

08/04/2024 - Tender - Reject and Negotiate - T-2023-1144 - Lift / Escalator Upgrade at Kings Cross Library, Andrew Boy Charlton Pool and Railway Square

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council decline to accept the tender offers for the Lift / Escalator Upgrade at Kings Cross Library, Andrew Boy Charlton Pool and Railway Square for the reasons set out in Confidential Attachment A to the subject report;

(B)      Council does not invite fresh tenders, as it is considered that inviting fresh tenders would not attract additional suitable tenderers over and above those that have responded to this tender;

(C)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to enter into negotiations with any person with a view to entering into a contract on terms that are appropriate in relation to the subject matter of the tender;

(D)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate, execute and administer the contract with the preferred contractor following completion of the negotiations; and

(E)      Council be informed of the successful contractor via the CEO Update.

Carried unanimously.
