Contract Renewal - Chief Executive Officer

08/04/2024 - Contract Renewal - Chief Executive Officer

Minute by the Lord Mayor

To Council:

Monica Barone PSM was appointed by Council as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the City of Sydney on 7 August 2006 for a period of five years.

In April 2011, August 2015 and February 2020, Council considered my Lord Mayoral Minutes on appointment of the CEO and unanimously resolved to proceed with contract renewals for periods of five years. The current contract ends on 2 March 2025.

The CEO is employed on the Office of Local Government Standard Contract of Employment for General Managers.

Under the terms of the contract, the CEO must advise nine months before the end of the contract if she would like to seek a renewal. The CEO has advised me that she does wish to seek a renewal. Under the terms of the contract, Council must, at least six months before the termination date, advise the CEO if the Council intends to renew the contract.

This Lord Mayoral Minute recommends Council endorse renewing the CEO’s contact for a further five years from June 2024, on the same terms and conditions of her current contract.  Monica has not sought a salary review or a bonus, and has not received a salary review or bonus during her time as CEO of the City of Sydney.

In accordance with the Office of Local Government Guidelines for the Appointment and Oversight of General Managers (the Guidelines), the CEO has submitted a performance report that I and the Performance Review Panel have reviewed and agreed to.

The Guidelines outline that the findings and recommendations of the performance review are reported to a closed Council meeting in the absence of the general manager. The closed meeting will also consider and decide whether to offer a new contract of employment to the general manager. As part of this, Councillors will have the opportunity to ask any questions if they wish. However, Council’s final decision on the recommendation of this Minute will be made in public.

I commend Monica’s ability to effectively manage this large and complex organisation and recommend her reappointment, on the same terms and conditions of her current contract, for a further period of five years.


Lord Mayor

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Kok –

It is resolved that:

(A)      Monica Barone PSM be reappointed to the position of Chief Executive Officer of the Council of the City of Sydney on the same terms and conditions of her current contract for a further period of five years from June 2024; and

(B)      Council note that the Office of Local Government’s Standard Contract of Employment for General Managers of Local Councils in New South Wales specifies the termination terms permitted for all General Managers, which are the same.

The Minute was carried on the following show of hands –

Ayes (8)          The Chair (the Lord Mayor), Councillors Chan, Davis, Ellsmore, Gannon, Kok, Scott and Worling

Noes (1)          Councillor Weldon.

