Share the Dignity – Promotion 2024 Survey on Period Poverty

11/03/2024 - Share the Dignity – Promotion 2024 Survey on Period Poverty

Moved by Councillor Ellsmore, seconded by Councillor Worling –

It is resolved that:

(A)       Council note:

(i)         Share the Dignity is a national charity that promotes improved awareness of the economic, social and cultural issues associated with period management, and which works with institutions, girls and women to overcome them;

(ii)        Share the Dignity conducts a survey on period poverty called the ‘Bloody Big Survey’ every three years. The survey gathers information on menstrual management and guides its strategies and advocacy for improving menstrual equity;

(iii)       the 2021 ‘Bloody Big Survey’ reached 125,000 people, making it one of the world’s most extensive collections of menstruation data;

(iv)       findings from the 2021 survey and the related Period Pride Report found that period poverty disproportionately affects LGBTQIA+ and First Nations peoples. It reported that: 22 per cent of respondents had to improvise on period products due to cost; 48 per cent reported that they ‘at least sometimes’ missed class due to their periods; 65 per cent had missed sport due to their periods; 40 per cent ‘at least sometimes’ called in sick to work due to their periods; and 51 per cent missed out on socialising with their friends because of their periods; and

(v)        the 2021 results were noted by the City of Sydney Council at its 18 September 2023 meeting, with Council noting the impact of period poverty and considering opportunities to address it;

(B)       Council also note:

(i)         Share the Dignity has written to Councils requesting that Councils assist in promoting the 2024 ‘Bloody Big Survey’. The 2024 survey will be open from 1 March to 31 May 2024; and

(ii)        specifically, assistance is sought to distribute the survey link internally among Council staff, and externally to relevant organisations working with people who may experience period poverty and through Council’s public communication channels for the community; and

(C)       the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:

(i)         arrange for dissemination of the ‘Bloody Big Survey’ 2024 through appropriate internal and external Council networks, including to the general community through Council’s online platforms where appropriate; and

(ii)        liaise with Share the Dignity to ensure that the results of the Bloody Big Survey 2024, once known, are shared with Councillors and relevant Council staff, to help inform the Council’s future work to address period poverty.

Carried unanimously.
