Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by
Councillor Gannon –
It is resolved that:
note that the City’s Open Space and Sporting Recreation Needs Study (2016):
that by 2021 an additional 14 fields would have been required to address
current field supply issues (such as overuse) and to service the increasing
resident and worker population;
that by 2031 an additional 20 fields will be required to address current field
supply issues (such as overuse) and to service the increasing resident and
worker population;
91 outdoor, publicly accessible, full-sized sports courts located in the City
of Sydney, 66 courts are marked for tennis, 26 courts marked for basketball,
and 22 courts for netball, alongside 10 netball courts replaced by construction
of a synthetic sporting field in Moore Park in 2016;
that the current supply of outdoor sports courts in the City is insufficient
for tennis, basketball and netball;
an additional 17 to 18 additional outdoor multi-use courts and four tennis
complexes (four courts) are recommended to be provided by 2031; and
making better use of underutilised resources such as sporting fields and spaces
on school grounds was an avenue to continue to explore;
City’s successful shared use agreements with Newtown Public School, Alexandria
Park Community School and Inner Sydney High School, which have delivered
significant public benefit to City of Sydney school children and broader City
additional fields at Moore Park, Crescent Lands (half-field), Gunyama Park in
Green Square, and Perry Park in Alexandria have been or are in the process of
being delivered, but this does not meet forecast demand identified by the
City’s own study;
additional multipurpose courts at Perry Park have been or are in the process of
being delivered, but this does not meet forecast demand identified by the
City’s own study; and
the school leadership and P&C of Newtown High School of the Performing Arts
have approached the City to seek support for a possible shared use agreement,
covering their outdoor oval, basketball and other possible open space; and
Chief Executive Officer be requested to explore possibilities for the City to
enter into a shared use agreement with the Newtown High School of the
Performing Arts, and bring any recommended items for funding back to Council as
part of the future budget processes.
Carried unanimously.