Public Exhibition - Review of Outdoor Alcohol Restrictions

24/06/2024 - Public Exhibition - Review of Outdoor Alcohol Restrictions

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council approve the 30-day public exhibition of the list of proposed alcohol-free zones and alcohol-prohibited areas on City streets and public spaces for a four year period as outlined in Attachment A to the subject Information Relevant To memorandum; and

(B)      the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:

(i)         write to the NSW Office of Local Government requesting the 2009 Ministerial Guidelines on Alcohol-free zones be revised to include provision for local governments to establish alcohol-free zones as timed sites where alcohol consumption is permissible within designated times as appropriate;

(ii)        advocate to NSW Health and Homes NSW to work with social housing residents to develop and implement harm minimisation measures that improve the community's health and safety;

(iii)      write to Homes NSW to take on responsibility and management of outdoor alcohol restrictions on their own land;

(iv)      write to the Commissioner of the NSW Police Force to request NSW Police provide data on the use of enforcement under outdoor alcohol restrictions to inform the development and implementation of harm minimisation approaches to alcohol management within the community;

(v)       write to NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics to notify them of those locations where outdoor alcohol restrictions have been removed and request they develop a methodology to appropriately assess the outcomes arising from those removals; and

(vi)      continue to work with community legal centres, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisations, community groups, social housing residents, local business and NSW Government agencies to determine appropriate strategies for managing alcohol consumption in the public domain.

Carried unanimously.
