Road Safety at Fort Street Public School, Millers Point

13/05/2024 - Road Safety at Fort Street Public School, Millers Point

Moved by Councillor Worling, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) –

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council note:

(i)           in 2016, the then NSW Minister for Roads, Duncan Gay announced cycle ramps would be built on both ends of the Sydney Harbour Bridge by 2020 for $35 million;

(ii)         the northern connection is due to start construction by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) in mid-2024. However, Transport for NSW has remained silent on timing for the delivery of the southern connection since they exhibited plans in November 2017;

(iii)        the southern cycling connection between the Harbour Bridge and the Kent Street cycleway is currently via Upper Fort Street (mixed traffic) and along the Cahill Expressway (shared path);

(iv)        this current arrangement puts several different road users in conflict: people cycling to work, families and children walking to Fort Street Public School and people driving their children to school. It is not safe or appropriate as it requires people walking to share steep, narrow paths with fast travelling motorists and cyclists; and

(v)         the newly renovated Fort Street Public School now caters for 550 students, more than double the previous school population. This, together with the delivery of the northern cycle connection, is expected to increase the number of people using the Harbour Bridge each day when it opens in late 2025;

(B)        Council further note:

(i)           the City has been advocating for Transport for NSW to progress the southern cycling connection, however interim measures are needed in consultation with Fort Street Public School and Schools Infrastructure NSW to address the unsafe situation on Upper Fort Street and the shared path, as soon as possible, such as:

(a)         converting Upper Fort Street and Watson Road to a 10km/h shared zone or reducing speed limits on Upper Fort Street and Watson Road to at most 20km/h, noting that Fort Street School’s approved Green Travel Plan assumes that these streets are both 10km/h shared zones already;

(b)         reducing vehicle speeds through traffic calming measures, clearer signage including school zone markings, footpath widening and a driver education program; and

(c)         reviewing parking restrictions in the area and the school’s pick-up and drop off arrangements to reduce vehicle movements and conflicts; and

(ii)         on 7 May 2024, the Lord Mayor raised this issue in a letter to and meeting with the Minister for Transport calling on her to accelerate delivery of the southern connection to the Sydney Harbour Bridge and in the meantime ensure Transport for NSW works with the City to address road safety concerns around Fort Street Public School; and

(C)        the Lord Mayor be requested to write again to the Minister for Transport with a copy of this motion requesting that Transport for NSW work with the City on implementing the interim safety solutions outlined in (B)(i) with priority given to reducing road speeds, in consultation with relevant stakeholders and subject to any approvals required.

Carried unanimously.
