Local Emergency Management Committee Representatives City of Sydney - A Person Living with a Disability

13/05/2024 - Local Emergency Management Committee Representatives City of Sydney - A Person Living with a Disability

Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) –

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council note: 

(i)           the City of Sydney Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) is established under the State Emergency and Rescue Management (SERM) Act 1989 No 165;

(ii)         the Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) are responsible for the prevention of, preparation for, response to and recovery from emergencies and disasters within a Local Government Area (LGA);

(iii)        responsibilities of the Local Emergency Management Committee include activities such as the development of emergency management plans, emergency risk management consistent with the State Emergency Management Committee and Plan, making recommendations and assisting in the coordination of, multi-agency training and exercises; and

(iv)        the City of Sydney membership is via the organisation (not an individual), and includes local representatives from NSW Police, NSW Rural Fire Service, State Emergency Service, Fire and Rescue NSW, Ambulance Service, and Marine Rescue;

(B)        the Chief Execuitve Officer be requested to:

(i)           request member organisations of the Local Emergency Management Committee consult with those living with disability on how they are impacted during emergencies;

(ii)         report back to Councillors via the CEO Update on the above; and

(iii)        consult with and report back to the Inclusion (Disability) Advisory Panel on the implementation of above; and

(C)        the Lord Mayor be requested to write to the Local Emergency Management Committee to request:

(i)           consideration and consultation of people who are living with a disability when developing and writing the scenarios for both deployment and desk top exercises, ensuring responding agencies are able to test their capability and capacity to meet the needs of people with disability in emergency situations; and

(ii)         that City-wide emergency response drills, run on a range of scenarios from time to time, always include a person living with disability and consider how those living with disability might be impacted.

Carried unanimously.
