It is resolved that:
Council endorse the reappointment of the following Design
Advisory Panel members for a further three-year term ending on 30 June 2027:
Professor Ken Maher (Chair) AO, Peter Mould (Deputy Chair), Professor Kerry
Clare, NSW Government Architect Abbie Galvin, Professor Richard Johnson AO,
Emeritus Professor James Weirick, Emily McDaniel, Rachel Neeson and Che Wall;
Council endorse the reappointment of Professor Ken Maher AO
as Chair of the Design Advisory Panel and Peter Mould as Deputy Chair for a
further three-year term ending on 30 June 2027;
Council endorse the revised Design Advisory Panel Terms of
Reference as shown at Attachment B to the subject report;
authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer, in
consultation with the Lord Mayor, to appoint any new members to the Design
Advisory Panel within the three year term as per the revised Terms of Reference
as shown at Attachment B, should the need arise;
Council endorse the reappointment of the following Design
Advisory Panel Residential Subcommittee members for a further three-year term
ending on 30 June 2027: Professor Kerry Clare, Dr Libby Gallagher, Dr Michael
Zanardo, Matthew Pullinger, Paul Berkemeier, Alexander Koll and Tony Caro;
Council endorse the reappointment of Professor Kerry Clare
as Chair of the Design Advisory Panel Residential Subcommittee for a further
three-year term ending on 30 June 2027;
Council endorse the revised Design Advisory Panel
Residential Subcommittee Terms of Reference as shown at Attachment D to the
subject report;
authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer, in
consultation with the Lord Mayor, to appoint any new members to the Design
Advisory Panel Residential Subcommittee within the three-year term, as per the
revised Terms of Reference as shown in Attachment D, should the need arise;
Council endorse the reappointment of the following Public
Art Advisory Panel members for a further three-year term ending on 30 June
2027: Felicity Fenner (Chair); Anne Loxley (Deputy Chair), Tony Albert; Judith
Blackall; Professor Richard Johnson AO; Janet Laurence and Louise Zhang;
Council endorse the reappointment of Felicity Fenner as
Chair of the Public Art Advisory Panel and Anne Loxley as Deputy Chair for a
further three-year term ending on 30 June 2027;
Council endorse the revised Public Art Advisory Panel Terms
of Reference as shown at Attachment F to the subject report; and
authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer, in
consultation with the Lord Mayor, to appoint any new members to the Public Art
Advisory Panel within the three year term, as per the revised Terms of
Reference as shown in Attachment F, should the need arise.
Carried unanimously.