Post Exhibition - Grants and Sponsorship Policy and Guidelines

24/06/2024 - Post Exhibition - Grants and Sponsorship Policy and Guidelines

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council note the submissions received from the community on the draft Grants and Sponsorship Program Guidelines as shown at Attachment A to the subject report;

(B)        Council adopt the Grants and Sponsorship Program Guidelines as shown at Attachment B to the subject report, subject to the addition of the following on page 45 of the Guidelines

“Additional information: Please contact us to discuss possible options if your idea supports innovation or project development outside of the funding priorities”;

(C)        authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to make minor amendments to Grants and Sponsorship Program Guidelines in order to correct any minor drafting errors and finalise design, artwork and accessible formats for publication;

(D)        Council note that the implementation of the Grants and Sponsorship program will be monitored to ensure that the outcomes requested by Council following the Councillor workshop are achieved; and

(E)        Council note that in the new term of Council, another Councillor workshop will be scheduled to discuss how the Policy and Guidelines are performing and to consider any further suggestions that the incoming Council may have, such has how to ensure that grants are flowing to culturally diverse communities.

Carried unanimously.
