Public Exhibition - Cultural Strategy 2025-2035

24/06/2024 - Public Exhibition - Cultural Strategy 2025-2035

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council note the finalisation of the Creative City Cultural Policy and Action Plan 2014-2024, noting 191 actions are completed, 10 actions are in progress and 7 actions will not be implemented as outlined in Attachment A to the subject report;

(B)        Council note ten years of significant achievements under the guidance of the Creative City Cultural Policy and Action Plan 2014-2024, as outlined in Attachment B to the subject report;

(C)        Council approve for public exhibition the draft Cultural Strategy 2025-2035 as shown at Attachment C to the subject report, subject to the following amendments:

The proposed action on page 41 that reads “Research the barriers to affordable housing for artists and associated impacts on the creative sector, and work with key stakeholders to remove them where possible” be edited to:

·              Work with affordable housing providers to promote affordable housing opportunities for artists and increase applications from creative workers in order to support artist into affordable housing.

The proposed action on page 41 that reads “Research appropriate and affordable housing models to support the creative sector including purpose-built artist housing with live/work or co-located workspace” be edited to:

·              Identify appropriate housing models or opportunities to deliver purpose-built artist housing with live/work or co-located workspace for the creative sector.

(D)        Council note that the Cultural Strategy 2025-2035, including any recommended changes, will be reported to Council for adoption following the exhibition period;

(E)        authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to make minor editorial amendments for clarity or correction of drafting errors prior to the exhibition of the draft Cultural Strategy 2025-2035;

(F)        Council note the Engagement Report summarising consultation for the development of the draft Cultural Strategy 2025-2035, as shown at Attachment D to the subject report; and

(G)       the Chief Executive Officer be requested to provide further information to Council about opportunities for Council to include specific commitments on an increase in the number of Council-owned creative live/work spaces to be delivered under the new plan, noting that the previous Creative City Cultural Policy and Action Plan included an action that 14 new live/work studios be established in a Council property, of which nine were delivered.

Carried unanimously.
