Grants and Sponsorship - Ad Hoc Grant - Griffin Theatre Company Ltd - Capital Works Funding Request

29/07/2024 - Grants and Sponsorship - Ad Hoc Grant - Griffin Theatre Company Ltd - Capital Works Funding Request

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council approve a cash grant of $1,000,000 (excluding GST) to be sourced from the 2024/25 General Contingency Fund to Griffin Theatre Company Ltd towards the Griffin Seaborn Broughton and Walford (SBW) Stables Theatre Redevelopment at 10-12 Nimrod Street Darlinghurst NSW;

(B)      Council note that payment of the $1,000,000 (excluding GST) cash grant will only be paid following Griffin Theatre Company Ltd demonstrating that funding in full has been secured for the project; and 

(C)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate, execute and administer the grant agreement with Griffin Theatre Company Ltd.

Carried unanimously.
