City of Sydney Nomination Policy

24/06/2024 - City of Sydney Nomination Policy

Moved by Councillor Kok, seconded by Councillor Worling –

It is resolved that:

(A)       Council note:

(i)         the process for creating and appointing members to the Local Planning Panel is a matter for the NSW Government. It is outlined on the NSW government website. The City follows those processes as set out by the Department and directions from the Minister for Planning;

(i)         the City of Sydney has Terms of Reference for all of its advisory panels, which are publicly available on the City of Sydney website, regularly reviewed and reported to Council each time the Chief Executive Officer recommends Council endorse the appointment of members;

(a)        Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Panel;

(a)        Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory Panel;

(b)        Cultural and Creative Sector Advisory Panel;

(c)        Design Advisory Panel and Design Advisory Panel Residential Subcommittee;

(d)        Housing for All Working Group;

(e)        Inclusion (Disability) Advisory Panel;

(f)         Multicultural Advisory Panel; and

(g)        Public Art Advisory Panel; and

(iii)       the Terms of Reference establish panel numbers, expression of interest processes, selection criteria and processes for members and chairs, terms, diversity principles, and governance and probity arrangements, including Code of Conduct and Conflicts of Interest, and reporting requirements; and

(B)       the Chief Executive Officer be requested to review all of the City of Sydney’s Advisory Panel’s Terms of Reference to improve consistency and strengthen diversity of panel members and report back to Council via a CEO update on outcomes of the review.

The substantive motion was carried on the following show of hands –

Ayes (9)     The Chair (the Lord Mayor), Councillors Chan, Davis, Ellsmore, Gannon, Jarrett, Kok, Scott and Worling

Noes (1)     Councillor Weldon.

Substantive motion carried.
