Parking - No Stopping - York Lane, Sydney

12/09/2024 - Parking - No Stopping - York Lane, Sydney



It is recommended that the Committee endorse the reallocation of parking on the northern and eastern sides of York Lane, Sydney between the points 15.7 metres and 25.3 metres (two car spaces) and between 70 metres and 95 metres (four car spaces) east of Clarence Street as "No Stopping All Other Times".

Voting Members for this Item

Voting Members



City of Sydney



Transport for NSW



NSW Police – Sydney City PAC



Representative for the Member for Sydney





The Committee unanimously supported the recommendation.


The City of Sydney is working to promote and develop a vibrant, diverse and inclusive 24-hour economy for our city.

York, Clarence and Kent Streets (YCK) is the first accredited Purple Flag precinct in Australia. The YCK Laneways precinct is Sydney’s premier destination for boutique and independent hospitality, nightlife, cultural, creative and retail experiences. Additionally, the area is a central hub for all transport types and central to other key Sydney CBD precincts such as The Rocks, Circular Quay and Chinatown.

The YCK working group has identified York Lane as a key street to bolster the City of Sydney's night-time economy due to its central location, historical significance, and potential for creating a vibrant and diverse nightlife precinct.

The proposed parking changes aim to decrease vehicle traffic in the evenings, enhance pedestrian safety, and raise York Lane's overall appeal. They are intended to transform the lane into a safer and more welcoming space.