Moved by Councillor Thompson, seconded by
Councillor Weldon –
It is resolved that:
note the Lord Mayor, the City of Sydney Council and staff have advocated for
better protections for boarding houses and their residents by:
to the NSW Government to repeatedly ask them to reform the outdated NSW
Affordable Rental Housing State Environmental Planning Policy and the
Guidelines for the Retention of Existing Affordable Rental Housing 2009 and to
implement the long overdue recommendations of the statutory review of the
Boarding Houses Act 2012;
to Community Housing Providers about opportunities to use the City’s Affordable
and Diverse Housing Fund and levies to purchase and deliver more boarding
houses and other low-cost rental housing;
to the NSW Premier and Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading calling
on them to urgently amend the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 to prevent
unlimited rent increases including in private boarding houses;
its refusal of the development application to convert the existing 32-room
boarding houses at 58-60 and 62-64 Selwyn Street Paddington into four single
dwellings in the Land and Environment Court;
with the community, Minister for Housing, Member for Sydney and Homes NSW to
support residents through the court case, threat of eviction and possible
with Redfern Legal Centre, which the City has funded through our grants
program, to support the Selwyn Street residents to understand their rights and
advise them through this very stressful period; and
to host a roundtable with Community Housing Providers, Metropolitan Councils,
Homes NSW, the Tenants’ Union of NSW, Newtown Neighbourhood Centre, the NSW
Rental Commissioner and peak bodies about protecting and increasing safe and
secure affordable rental housing;
further note:
Selwyn Street boarding house tenants were issued with eviction notices on 21
October 2024 by the owner, LFD Developments. They have been given until 1
February 2025 to vacate their homes; and
City’s Affordable and Diverse Housing Fund supports the delivery of all forms
of short and long term rental accommodation offered at below market rates,
including affordable housing, social housing, crisis housing and boarding
houses. Our Affordable Housing contributions program also enables Community
Housing Providers to use levies for boarding houses;
endorse the community campaign for the protection of traditional boarding
houses, which are an important form of private, relatively affordable housing
in the inner city, and note that the campaign is calling for private boarding
houses to be converted into permanent, protected affordable housing;
agree to continue to enforce adherence to safety, security and amenity
standards through our required and proactive boarding house inspection program
to ensure boarding houses maintain appropriate health and safety levels;
the Chief
Executive Officer be requested to work with relevant NSW Government agencies to
investigate supporting a Community Housing Provider to purchase the boarding
houses at 58-60 and 62-64 Selwyn Street Paddington, including through joint
Lord Mayor be requested to write to the NSW Rental Commissioner to advocate to
the NSW Government to urgently extend the rights and protections recently
introduced by the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2024 to occupancy
agreements for residents of boarding houses to prevent unlimited rent increases
in private boarding houses; and
Chief Executive Officer be requested to provide advice to Council about
potential amendments to the Council’s Affordable Housing Contributions
Distribution Plan and Affordable and Diverse Housing Fund to encourage
permanent protection of boarding houses.