It is resolved that:
(A) Council note the submission received from the community on the draft Code of Meeting Practice as outlined in the subject report;
(B) Council adopt the revised City of Sydney Code of Meeting Practice as shown at Attachment A to the subject report, subject to an insertion to section 3.23 so as to require that answers to Questions on Notice put to the Chief Executive Officer are to be included in the business papers for the relevant meeting of the council, at least 3 hours prior to the start of the relevant meeting where possible, or orally at the meeting;
(C) Council fix the order of business of meetings of council as the following:
(i) opening of the meeting;
(ii) acknowledgement of country;
(iii) prayer at the discretion of the Chair;
(iv) apologies and applications for a leave of absence by councillors;
(v) confirmation of minutes;
(vi) statement of ethical obligations and disclosures of interest;
(vii) minutes by the Lord Mayor;
(viii) memoranda by the Chief Executive Officer;
(ix) matters for tabling;
(x) reports of committees;
(xi) reports to council;
(xii) questions on notice;
(xiii) supplementary answers to previous questions;
(xiv) notices of motion; and
(xv) conclusion of the meeting;
(D) authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to make amendments to the Code of Meeting Practice in order to correct any minor drafting errors and finalise design, artwork and accessible formats for publication;
(E) Council note the submission received from the community on the draft Councillors' Expenses and Facilities Policy as outlined in the subject report;
(F) Council adopt the revised Councillors' Expenses and Facilities Policy as shown at Attachment B to the subject report; and
(G) authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to make amendments to the Councillors' Expenses and Facilities Policy in order to correct any minor drafting errors and finalise design, artwork and accessible formats for publication.
The substantive motion, as varied by consent, was carried unanimously.