Moved by Councillor Worling, seconded by Councillor Gannon –
It is resolved that:
(A) Council note:
(i) local households create and throw out close to 400 tonnes of extra waste at Christmas;
(ii) in the City of Sydney, specifically, approximately 70 extra garbage trucks are filled with waste over the holiday season; and
(iii) the City already encourages its residents to think about the environment and discard of waste responsibly at Christmas via opportunities such as:
(a) accepting natural Christmas trees in the green-lid garden organics bin, or via a free weekly pick-up service for bulky items;
(b) popular holiday items such as batteries, Christmas lights and polystyrene can be dropped off at the City’s recycling stations at libraries, customer service and community centres; taken to the Ultimo recycling pop-up; brought to the quarterly Recycle It Saturday events, or booked in for a doorstop recycling collection; and
(c) the City has dedicated pick-ups for garden waste, mixed recycling, food scraps (for some properties) and general waste; and
(B) the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:
(i) investigate opportunities to expand our promotion of the City’s many recycling services available to residents and how to responsibly discard of unwanted items during the holiday season;
(ii) expand the City’s education about how to avoid and reduce waste over the festive season, including how to responsibly discard your Christmas tree and seafood scraps;
(iii) as part of the promotional material, include links to the City’s other circularity initiatives and Good News Stories of where these items can end up if disposed of correctly; and
(iv) provide an update to Councillors via the CEO Update on actions undertaken.
Carried unanimously.