Grants and Sponsorship - Creative Grants

17/02/2025 - Grants and Sponsorship - Creative Grants

It is resolved that Council:

(A)      note the matters raised in response to the public notification of the Ad Hoc grant to 'I Made This Pty Ltd' (ABN 94 165 857 483) to contribute towards the costs of relocating and setting-up the Nest at 24 and 24a Bourke Road Alexandria;

(B)      approve the award of the Ad Hoc grant to 'I Made This Pty Ltd' to contribute towards the costs of relocating and setting-up the Nest at 24 and 24a Bourke Road Alexandria;

(C)      approve the change of recipient for the 2024/25 Festivals and Events Sponsorship Program grant (ref: FET1 WR 202425115) from 'The Aurora Group – A Ruby Foundation' to 'Rainbow Giving Australia Limited';

(D)      approve the change of auspice recipient for the 2024/25 Festivals and Events Sponsorship Program grant recipient, Dyan Tai (ref: FET1 WR 202425032) from 'The Beautiful Mess of It All' to 'The Red Rattler Theatre Incorporated'; and

(E)      approve the change of auspice recipient for the 2021/22 Cultural and Creative Grants and Sponsorship Program grant recipient, Katherine Haines (ref: CCGS 202122087) from '107 Projects Incorporated' to 'Tribal Warrior Aboriginal Corporation'.

Carried unanimously.
