Moved by Councillor Thompson, seconded by
Councillor Ellsmore -
is resolved that:
agree that:
and delivering high quality, accessible pools is a core community service and
public good expected of us;
as the
effects of climate change intensify over the coming years and decades, access
to swimming facilities will become increasingly important;
to research undertaken by the Royal Life Saving Society of Australia, for every
$1 spent on operating pool facilities, $4.87 of social benefit is realised in
terms of community health, cohesion and wellbeing; and
(iv) the current cost-of-living crisis and entry costs are a prohibitive barrier for many in our community wanting to access and use our swimming facilities;
Valley Council undertook a trial in 2017 providing free entry to their 5
Council owned and operated pools that resulted in:
increase in visits to their facilities of 23%;
an increase of 241% to income generated by the
facilities, via sales at cafes within the pools, delivery of swimming lessons,
aquarobics classes, and a paid after-hours entry pass; and
no substantial change to operating costs, with just a small 1.5%
increase recorded;
Council is currently trailing free pool entry over the current summer holidays,
with an overwhelmingly positive response from the community thus far, with a
report due to be tabled to Council sometime later this year;
number of other regional councils such as Campase Shire, Central Goldfields
Shire, Hepburn Shire, Mildura Rural City Council, Mitchell Shire Council,
Buloke Shire and many more offer some form of free entry to their pools;
City Council recently moved towards free entry after enacting $2 entry fees for
all of their pools in addition to offering free swimming lessons, recognising
the initiative will support community health, wellbeing and safety; and
City Council also now has moved towards free entry, with pool entry fees
reduced to just $2 during the summer season to huge popularity and success;
agree that everyone, no matter their income, be able to access our pool
facilities for free by removing entry costs; and
Chief Executive Officer be requested to prepare budget advice and necessary
variations to ensure that free entry to pools and insourcing of Council owned
aquatic facilities is considered as part of the 2025/26 budget process and
future years’ forward estimates.
The motion was lost on the following show of
hands –
Ayes (2) Councillors
Ellsmore and Thompson
Noes (8) The Chair (the
Lord Mayor), Councillors Gannon, Kok, Maxwell, Miller, Weldon, Wilson (Arkins)
and Worling.
Motion lost.