Support for Moore Park Golf Course

17/02/2025 - Support for Moore Park Golf Course

Moved by Councillor Weldon, seconded by Councillor Gannon -

It is resolved that:

(A)       Council note:

(i)         in October 2023, the NSW Government announced it would repurpose 20 hectares of Moore Park South into green open space for community recreation, reducing the current 18-hole golf course to just 9 holes;

(ii)        this proposal was developed in the Moore Park South Discussion Paper discussion paper. Consultation on this proposal was held between February and April 2024;

(iii)       feedback was invited via pop-up sessions, workshops, an online survey and written submissions;

(iv)       the City of Sydney encouraged residents to get involved in the consultation and have their say on the future of this public parkland;

(v)        the NSW Government released a consultation report in December 2024 outlining what they heard from the community, revealing:

(a)        of the 8,240 people who responded to an online consultation survey, more than half called for the 18-holes of the golf course retained; and

(b)        of 315 written submissions received, 238 submissions opposed the reduction of the golf course from 18 to 9 holes. Only 57 submissions supported the conversion to community parkland;

(vi)       a separate petition launched to retain 18-holes of golf at Moore Park has been signed by 29,500 supporters;

(vii)      in November 2024, Moore Park Golf Collective (comprising Golf Australia, PGA of Australia, Golf NSW and Moore Park Golf Club) released an alternative proposal for Moore Park South, which featured in the Collective’s written submission to the NSW consultation process;

(viii)    the Collective’s alternative proposal allows for the retention of the 18 holes of golf by substantially reducing the golf course footprint and maximising underutilised open space, creating a minimum of 15 hectares of quality and connected recreational space;

(ix)       the Collective’s written submission demonstrates that:

(a)        golf is one of the fastest growing sports in Australia, particularly for women and young people;

(b)        more than 100,000 rounds of golf are played at Moore Park Golf Course annually;

(c)        more than 80% of course usage is for a full 18-holes of golf; and

(d)        there is a shortage of available and accessible golf courses in Sydney; and

(x)        it’s clear that the community wants to retain Moore Park Golf Course as a publicly accessible and affordable 18-hole course and that alternate options are available to deliver better and more feasible recreational facilities throughout the precinct;

(B)       the Lord Mayor be requested to write to the NSW Premier Chris Minns noting the community support for retaining an 18-hole golf course and that consideration should be given to the Moore Park Golf Collective’s Alternate Proposal; and

(C)       the Chief Executive Officer be requested to consider options for improving and increasing open space at Moore Park whilst also retaining 18 holes of golf, and report back to Council within 3 months.

The motion was lost on the following show of hands –

Ayes (2)           Councillors Gannon and Weldon

Noes (8)          The Chair (the Lord Mayor), Councillors Ellsmore, Kok, Maxwell, Miller, Thompson, Wilson (Arkins) and Worling.   

Motion lost.
