Grants and Sponsorship - Round One 2018/19 - Cultural Grants - Cultural and Creative Grants and Sponsorships and Festivals and Events Sponsorships (Artform)

28/06/2018 - Grants and Sponsorship - Round One 2018/19 - Cultural Grants - Cultural and Creative Grants and Sponsorships and Festivals and Events Sponsorships (Artform)

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council adopt the recommendation as detailed in the subject report to the Cultural and Community Committee on 18 June 2018, except for the Festival and Sponsorship (Artform) Sponsorship to the Sherman Centre for Culture & Ideas Limited; and

(B)        authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to determine the Festival and Sponsorship (Artform) Sponsorship to the Sherman Centre for Culture & Ideas Limited, in accordance with Clause 4.19 of the City of Sydney Code of Conduct.

Carried unanimously.
