By Councillor Phelps
It is resolved that Council:
(A) note the cultural significance of the Waterloo Town Hall building, which opened in 1882 and became a library in 1972;
(B) recognise the importance of a neutral, public space in the unique Waterloo community;
(C) note plans to close the Waterloo Library without community consultation;
(D) congratulate the work of the Women of Waterloo in gathering hundreds of signatures in a petition to prevent the closure of the Waterloo Library;
(E) note the variety of services that the library offers, including:
(i) literary fiction, non-fiction works, research materials and multi-media items to use and borrow;
(ii) a quiet place to read;
(iii) study desks;
(iv) free newspapers in multiple languages;
(v) spaces for tutoring;
(vi) free Wi-Fi;
(vii) printing and photocopying facilities; and
(viii) rooms for community meetings;
(F) congratulate library staff for curating specific Koori, Mandarin and Russian collections at the Waterloo Library;
(G) note the unique demographics of the Waterloo area, including long-term elderly residents, young families, school children, job-seekers, university students, Mandarin speakers, a Russian community and a strong Aboriginal community;
(H) note that the population in Green Square is expected to swell to 60,000 by 2030;
(I) note that 700 new units are proposed to be built in the nearby Waterloo Metro Quarter by 2022;
(J) note that the Waterloo-Zetland area has a predicted population growth of a further 124% by 2036, with over 10,000 people coming to live in the area between 2011-2016;
(K) recognise the importance of maintaining and developing existing library services in Waterloo and across the local government area to provide services for existing and incoming residents; and
(L) stop plans to close Waterloo Library.
Note – at the meeting of Council, Councillor Phelps withdrew her Notice of Motion, the matters raised in it having been dealt with at an earlier stage of the meeting in Item 6.2.