Vale Ernie Page

28/06/2018 - Vale Ernie Page

Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) -

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note:

(i)         that Ernest Page OAM, known as Ernie, sadly passed away in late May 2018, aged 83;

(ii)        the rich contribution Ernie made to communities across NSW as a former Minister for Local Government, Mayor of Waverley Municipal Council, and Councillor on Waverley Municipal Council for over 25 years; and

(iii)      Ernie’s role in consistently standing up for disadvantaged and vulnerable communities in the local government sector, including childcare reforms to support working women, support for social housing, and the expansion of public libraries, opening the first public library in Waverley;

(B)      all present in the Chamber stand for one minute’s silence to honour Ernie Page; and

(C)      the Lord Mayor be requested to write to Ernie Page’s family expressing the Council’s sincere condolences on his passing.

Carried unanimously.

Note – All Councillors, staff, press and members of the public present stood in silence for one minute as a mark of respect to Ernie Page.
