Oxford Street Tree Lighting

13/08/2018 - Oxford Street Tree Lighting

Oxford Street Tree Lighting

Moved by Councillor Forster, seconded by Councillor Scully –

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note:

(i)         the City of Sydney’s Economic Development Strategy has an ongoing commitment to the Oxford Street Precinct as one of its three major village projects, and recognises that, as a major property owner within a small area, the City can influence the quality, amenity, economy and character of that neighbourhood;

(ii)        in Oxford Street, the retail and hospitality sectors are acknowledged to have been negatively impacted by factors including the development of Westfield Bondi Junction and the introduction of clearways and bus lanes;

(iii)      that Council in recent years has initiated several plans to reinvigorate the precinct; and

(iv)      other major cities across Australia illuminate trees along significant streets with either permanent or temporary lighting in order to attract visitors and enhance their night-time vibrancy and amenity, with examples including Argyle Place in The Rocks, St Kilda Road in Melbourne and North Terrace in Adelaide; and

(B)      the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:

(i)         investigate the possibility of illuminating the London Planes trees lining both sides of Oxford Street between Hyde Park and Taylor Square, considering both short-duration lighting attached to tree trunks and branches, and/or longer term initiatives such as illumination from an outside source using lights attached to awnings or on the pavement; and

(ii)        report back to Council via a CEO update at the earliest opportunity.

Carried unanimously.

