State Environmental Planning Policy

13/08/2018 - State Environmental Planning Policy

State Environmental Planning Policy

Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) -

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council note:

(i)          that as of April 2015, less than 1 per cent of housing in the City of Sydney is affordable rental housing;

(ii)         the State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 was introduced “to increase the supply and diversity of affordable rental and social housing in NSW,” and, as such, offers bonuses to developers for the construction of boarding houses in an effort to increase the supply of affordable rental housing;

(iii)        the outcome of more affordable rental housing being available to the market is not currently being achieved;

(iv)       that the City continues to work with the Department of Planning and Environment to review the State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing 2009 in order to increase the supply of affordable rental housing in the City of Sydney.

(B)        Council advocates for changes to the State Environmental Planning Policy, in order to create more affordable housing;

(C)       the Lord Mayor be requested write to the NSW Premier, the Hon. Gladys Berejiklian MP; the NSW Minister for Housing, the Hon. Pru Goward MP; the NSW Minister for Planning, the Hon. Anthony Roberts MP; the NSW Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Luke Foley MP; the NSW Shadow Minister for Planning, the Hon. Michael Daley MP and the NSW Shadow Minister for Social Housing, the Hon. Tania Mihailuk MP, expressing this view.

Carried unanimously.
