Smoke-Free Zone Expansion to Sydney Square

13/08/2018 - Smoke-Free Zone Expansion to Sydney Square

Smoke-Free Zone Expansion to Sydney Square 

Moved by Councillor Phelps, seconded by Councillor Forster –  

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council note:

(i)          the harmful impact of smoking on Australians, including the effects of passive smoking, resulting in an estimated 20 per cent of the nation’s cancer disease burden each year (Cancer Council, 2017);

(ii)         the success of smoke-free zone trials in Martin Place and Pitt Street Mall, leading to permanent restrictions on smoking in these outdoor spaces, as endorsed by Council on 26 September 2016 and 27 June 2016;

(iii)        the positive results of a public survey run by Council which generated over 500 responses, overwhelmingly in favour of extending smoke-free zone trials to other parts of the city;

(iv)       that, according to the Council’s survey, around 80 per cent of respondents said they would be more likely to visit an area if they knew it was smoke-free;

(v)         that the reduction of cigarette butt litter on our streets will contribute to the NSW Government’s target to reduce the volume of litter by 40 per cent by 2020; and

(vi)       the suitability of Sydney Square as a new trial site for a smoke-free zone expansion, as a site used by school children, tourists and Council staff; and

(B)        the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:

(i)          undertake work to implement a smoke-free zone trial in Sydney Square;

(ii)         promote Sydney Square as a smoke-free zone; and

(iii)        promote Council as a leader by example, improving air quality, dis-incentivising smoking, improving tourism opportunities and reducing litter in the city.

Carried unanimously.
