Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Public Exhibition - Planning Proposal - 232-240 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 Amendments ref: 499528/03/202428/03/2024Not for call-in
Summary of Applications to be Reported to the Central Sydney Planning Committee ref: 499628/03/202428/03/2024Not for call-in
Section 4.56 Application: 12A and 14-26 Wattle Street, Pyrmont - D/2019/649/B ref: 499328/03/202428/03/2024Not for call-in
Development Application: 12A and 14-26 Wattle Street, Pyrmont - D/2023/97 ref: 499428/03/202428/03/2024Not for call-in